
Wow! What a view! Wish I could live here, but visiting on an anniversary get-away is a real treat!

The wind blowing, the waves crashing, the sounds of its enormous power - its just glorious! Each one of us needs times of refreshing, both physically and spiritually. Yet for most of us, life is full of setbacks, and it escapes us as to what change could make the difference to get us closer to God. No amount of money or possessions will get you into the deep places of Gods Holy Spirit. So how do we get the Life of God down into our lives? Well, that happens in the trenches of life. And that is what I would like to share with you - the visitations of revelation from the throne of God. I Hope they minister to your soul - Victoria.

Thursday, September 11, 2008


It’s amazing how eyesight changes over the course of ones life. Just a few years ago I could read everything without any help, and now I need glasses to read anything! In the natural realm, our eyesight gets dimmer, our ability to distinguish small letters fades, and we need more light to rightly observe things. But in the spiritual realm, if we are pressing in, our spiritual eyesight becomes better and better as we go through experiences that give us wisdom. Knowledge is good, but when you add experience to it you find wisdom, and wisdom is like reading glasses for the soul. It helps us see what is already there with clarity. Wisdom allows us to see beyond what is happening in the here and now, and respond to a future outcome. When we were kids, we had limited knowledge, and acted on what we thought was all there was to know. Many of us are still children in how we view the circumstances in our lives. We take the limited knowledge of certain situations we are involved in and run with it. Many of us will not allow ourselves to go through certain experiences especially if they are painful ones that will teach us the lessons of wisdom. We avoid them like the plague and thus end up knowing a lot about stuff but having no life giving application that wisdom brings. Wisdom is a forward looking revelation to the mind about our current situations. It helps us see a future outcome so we can act accordingly. Knowledge is a very right now kind of thing. It can only live in the today’s and yesterdays of our lives because it is limited to what it thinks it knows. It does not have the color spectrum wisdom brings with it. Black and white knowledge cannot understand the depth perception that the colors of experience bring. If we observe those who operate mainly by head knowledge we will find they are the ones the Bible describes as ---people ever learning but never coming to the knowledge of the truth. If we are looking for the truth and not just trying to be right, we will need wisdom. Knowledge alone can lead us astray. What we know (or think we know) can set the course of our lives but if we allow experiences to occur, wisdom comes in and shows us the deeper truth of the matter and will reset our direction if we let it. It was the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil that Adam and Eve ate. Eve believed the devils lie because she wanted knowledge. Instead of reminding herself of her experiences with God, and her knowledge of God, she ignored all that, cast wisdom aside----which made her vulnerable-----so she then received the lie as truth. We have to be very careful not to place ourselves in that same vulnerable position where we can exchange the truth for lies based on what we think we know. Humanity was set on a course that caused us to be on an unending quest for more and more knowledge! Satan doesn't care what we know because he can easily manipulate that. What satan is afraid of are Christians armed with wisdom! Wisdom knows what the truth is and that truth sets us free! Proverbs 3:15 "Godly wisdom is more precious than rubies and nothing you can wish for can be compared to her!" ---V

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